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Bug Abusement Suspension and Announcement 05.14.24


May 17th, 2024

Hello Pioneers, 


Upon receiving the bug abusement reports, we investigated the issue and took a quick action against the accounts that abused them. We apologize for taking some time during this process.


We have temporarily banned 6 accounts (7 days) and permanently banned 2 accounts according to our investigation and policy. The permanently suspended accounts are as follows.


▶ Permanent Suspension






Once again, we apologize for the inconvenience and look forward to your kind cooperation in Granado Espada.


Thank you,


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Phát Lê hmm.. bugs from developer, and player got banned? Seem not right. The one should be banned are not these, you should ban the player using bot, auto, or spam broad cursing another player May 17 at 8:43PM

YHWHcody172 YHWH imc should correctly consider the development of the game and the revenue it brings. You should ban those robots with multiple accounts to prevent them from destroying the game environment like moths. May 28 at 4:35PM