Scheduled Maintenance for April 11, 2018
Hello, imcGAMES here. We would like to announce the details of the maintenance scheduled for April 11, 2018. Make sure to check below for the schedule and patch notes. MAINTENANCE PERIOD - [SGT] 13:00 to 14:00 (April 11, 2018) PATCH NOTES 1. CASH SHOP - Event Costume Summon Stone Package REMOVED - The Event Costume Summon Stone Package will be removed from the Cash Shop during this maintenance. 2. GENERAL MAINTENANCE
April 10th, 2018
Patch Notes
Simon’s Pioneer Support Event
Greetings Pioneers, Simon's Pioneer Support Event will start after the Scheduled Maintenance on April 4, 2018, and will be held for four weeks! Event Period FROM the scheduled maintenance on April 4, 2018 TO the scheduled maintenance on May 2, 2018 Who Can Participate - This event is open to all Families. How to Participate Step 1. Talk to the Simon NPC in Cite de Reboldoeux, Office Stre
April 4th, 2018
Scheduled Maintenance for April 4, 2018
Hello, imcGAMES here. We would like to announce the details of the maintenance scheduled for April 4, 2018. Make sure to check below for the schedule and patch notes. MAINTENANCE PERIOD - [SGT] 13:00 to 15:00 (April 4, 2018) PATCH NOTES 1. EVENTS - New! Simon's Pioneer Support Event - This event is open from the scheduled maintenance on April 4 to May 2, 2018. - Details about the event will be announced
April 3rd, 2018
Patch Notes
[COMPLETE] Scheduled Maintenance for March 28, 2018
Hello, imcGAMES here. We would like to announce the details of the maintenance scheduled for March 28, 2018. Make sure to check below for the schedule and patch notes. [COMPLETE] MAINTENANCE PERIOD [COMPLETE] - [SGT] 13:00 to 14:30 16:30 (March 28, 2018) Patch Notes 1. EVENTS - Kranus Inclusion Event - The event is coming to an end with this maintenance. - Remember that Kranus Inclusion Certifications and Kael's
March 28th, 2018
Patch Notes
[COMPLETE] Emergency Maintenance Notice - March 22, 2018
Hello, imcGAMES here. We will soon be carrying out an Emergency Maintenance at [SGT] 11:30 in order to address an issue with server stability. - Maintenance Schedule : [SGT] 11:30 ~ 12:00 - Maintenance Compensation 1. 10-hour extension of all timed items being used *Costume Lumin is not affected by this time extension. 2. Golden Time Buff * 6 hours ※ Information on the Golden Time Buff - 50% increase in EXP gained -
March 22nd, 2018
[Updated] Scheduled Maintenance for March 21, 2018
Hello, imcGAMES here. We would like to announce the details of the maintenance scheduled for March 21, 2018. Make sure to check below for the schedule and patch notes. MAINTENANCE PERIOD - [SGT] 13:00 to 15:30 (March 21, 2018) Patch Notes 1. EVENTS - NEW! Gabriella’s Pioneer Support Event - This event is open from the scheduled maintenance on March 21 to May 23, 2018. - Details about the event will be announce
March 21st, 2018
Patch Notes
Gabriella’s Pioneer Support Event
Greetings Pioneers, Gabriella’s Pioneer Support Event will start after the Scheduled Maintenance on March 21, 2018, and will be held for eight weeks! Event Period FROM the scheduled maintenance on March 21, 2018 TO the scheduled maintenance on May 23, 2018 Who Can Participate - This event is open to all Families. How to Participate Step 1. Talk to the Gabriella NPC in Cite de Reboldoe
March 20th, 2018
[UPDATED] Announcement Regarding New Pioneer DLC Products
Hello, imcGAMES here. We are pleased to announce that we will be releasing 2 new DLC products! You will be able to check the product details down below. The DLC products will be available on the Steam Store as soon as they have passed the review process. 1. GE Pioneer Support Box - The 'GE Pioneer Support Box' is a DLC product that contains numerous consumable items and Pet Food that is useful for all Pioneers. - Link to Steam Store Page:&n
March 14th, 2018
[COMPLETE] Scheduled Maintenance for March 14, 2018
Hello, imcGAMES here. We would like to announce the details of the maintenance scheduled for March 14, 2018. Make sure to check below for the schedule and patch notes. [UPDATED] MAINTENANCE PERIOD - [SGT] 13:00 to 17:00 (March 14, 2018) PATCH NOTES 1. CONTENT CHANGES - [Updated] New Family Restrictions - In order to combat a recent wave of payment fraud cases and prevent further infractions, we will be adjusting market and tradi
March 16th, 2018
Patch Notes